Monday, October 29, 2012

beggars' night

i preface this with...
i love my husband and i love our home...
but for the life of me, i will never understand ohio.
halloween is october 31st.
that is when one should go trick or treating.
i understand parties & whatnot being on other nights...
but trick or treating?

this is what happens here in ohio.
matt said he did it as a kid.
nobody ever went trick or treating on halloween.

trick or treating wasn't this past weekend...
it wasn't friday night...
for our county, it was thursday october 25th...
from 5-7 pm.
so, not only was it on another night...
it has special hours.
(different counties, cities, towns have different nights or hours)
and people take it very seriously.
with a lot of houses, people sit out in their driveways 
in chairs with bowl of candy...
(others leave porch lights on)
waiting for trick or treaters.
at 7pm, said people pack up their bowls of candy
and go inside.
i guess if this is how you've always done things, 
it seems the normal thing to do.
i have lived a lot of places (a LOT)
& not once did we ever trick or treat 
on any night other than halloween.

munki wanted to dress up as draculaura from monster high...
so she did.
and she was cute and we had fun...

hope you have a happy halloween!


Monday, October 22, 2012

bat for lashes - what's a girl to do

every year...
about this time...
i listen to this song more than usual.
not because of the lyrics,
which could be construed as rather depressing...
but mostly because it's all halloween-y.
and the video is awesome.
i love bat for lashes.
i think natasha khan has an amazing voice. the's pretty damn great.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

this & that

it was an absolutely gorgeous autumn day yesterday...
yes, even in the cemetery/graveyard/field of stone...perhaps especially so.
☀ ☠ ☀ ☠ ☀

munki had a wonderful birthday.
on the day before...we went down to springfield to visit with family.
wyatt & munki spent a lot of time together...

thankfully, munki still wanted to go on her annual build-a-bear trip.
part of me fears the day she thinks she's too old for it.
this is her latest addition to her "way too many" stuffed animal collection.
 she named him pumpkin.
which, obvious or not, is the perfect name for him.

sadly, matt had to work on munki's actual birthday.
so, i promised to take pictures of everything.
lucky for y'all, i just plopped some of the pix into a collage.

and as for her cake...
she wanted chocolate chocolate chip cake 
with chocolate chocolate chip frosting.
that's a lot of chocolate.
and it's the first year she has asked for something other than strawberry.
so, i whipped up this incredibly chocolate-y cake of goodness.
her only request for the top...
was a dragon.

she was ecstatic...
& that's all that mattered to me.
the cake, by the way...
i was super pleased with myself.

have a lovely day & be kind to one another.



Monday, October 08, 2012

october 8th, 2002

ten years ago today
was the best day ever.
it's still my favorite day...
every year.

happy birthday, madeline sumner!

she's an  amazing little girl/young lady
and i love her more than i ever thought a heart could possibly love.

i can't believe she's 10.
happy happy birthday to my dear munki...
my greatest creation ever.

i'll post more pix soon of birthday happenings...

have a lovely monday


Friday, October 05, 2012


yes, i did it again...
decided that i should be a chaperone for another munki field trip...
this time with 4th graders.
i think they were even louder than when in 3rd grade.
the field trip itself was fun and we had perfect weather.
the bus ride there, however, dear god.
cram 50 kids into a big metal box on wheels
and they all feel the need to talk...a lot...
and i won't even go into detail about the highway driving
and bumps and butts and ouches.
my body doesn't agree with bouncing around on a school bus.

suter farms was amazing...
and beautiful...
and mr. & mrs. suter were amazingly wonderful people.

the kids had a blast...

they got to run through pumpkin fields to find their perfect pumpkin...
munki, always heads for the smaller & different pumpkins...
(since an unexpected amount of parents showed up) 
this was my small group of kids/girls for the day...
munki, sophie, and haley
(all red heads =])

and of course the red headed boy (aka dylan, yes that dylan =]) was there too...

the girls taking off to go through the corn maze...
(look at all of that red hair!)

it was a great day...
i was exhausted last night.
being responsible for one child is one thing...
being responsible for kids that don't belong to you, 
and watching them go racing through a corn maze...

and look at the aerial view of this corn maze at suter farms...
(in case you didn't click the link above)

it was a good day.


and this weekend is munki's birthday weekend!
well, her birthday is on monday
which conveniently falls on columbus, she has no school.
so, we're making it a long weekend event...
which is how your first double digits birthday should be!
i  still cannot believe i will have a 10 year old in a few short days.

have a great weekend!!!


Monday, October 01, 2012

hello, october...

october is my favorite month, by far.
if for no other reason, october wins out over december
because it's munki's birthday month.
munki & i decorated for halloween on saturday.
the leaves are starting to change...
the air is crisp...
and there is candy corn everywhere...
how much better can it possibly get?


also...because the instagram shot in the sidebar can never do it justice...

this never happens.
the cats are always scattered about the house...
but for about 30 seconds yesterday, the above happened...
i took the photographic opportunity handed to me
& then everyone headed in different directions.
at this exact moment,
 all i could say was holy crap.

i love them all...but damn.
