Tuesday, February 12, 2013

no such luck

i was hoping to be better about this blog in 2013...
but i haven't really wanted anything to do with the computer lately.
today is the first day i have turned the pc on 
since the first week of january...
& i despise facebook...sorry, it's a fact.
i don't honestly know why i even have it anymore...
matt & i got an ipad for our anniversary gift to each other.
we love it.
but we mostly look at pinterest, instagram, vine or play games.
we don't even have facebook on it.
so, if you try to contact me via facebook & i don't respond...
now you know why.

the last few weeks, the whole family has been sick.
we had a small break after the flu and now we all have terrible colds.
thankfully, munki hasn't gotten hit too badly with this one...
mostly matt & i.
sadly, this past weekend (which matt had off)
found us both laying on the couches.

i may try to blog via the ipad and see how it goes...
otherwise...for snippets of what i'm doing...
instagram is the place.
if you're not on instagram...
you can check my feed over there ------>

i hope 2013 is treating you well.


here...have some lana...

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

long time no see...

happy 2013!
i hope your holidays were fabulous!
we had a wonderful holiday season...
my parents were able to stay with us & we had the best time...
even kinda got snowed in, which was perfect!
i'll post holiday photos soon...

i am going to try to slowly catch up on updates...
but right now this is just a quick post to let y'all know i am still here.

matt & i are in the middle of celebrating our annibirthday...
today is our 9th anniversary!
last saturday (the 5th) was his birthday...
and this upcoming saturday (the 12th) is my birthday.
we like january around here.

i have not made any outlandish resolutions
other than to be as crafty as i was in previous years or even more so...
(i pretty much took 2012 off)
i started by purchasing the woodland sampler from frosted pumpkin stitchery

it's only $10 through januray 11th...after that the price goes up.
so...at least i'll be doing one small cross stitch addition to my sampler each month.
i have a few plans for some BuNnY MoNsTeRz in the works...
but am in no rush to do them...
i have 2 different crochet projects going...
and 3 sewing projects...
so, i'm well covered in the crafty department.
munki has decided that she would like to learn cross stitch...
so, we bought her a tiny one to start with and we'll see how she does.
so far so good.

i am going to try to be better about updating my blog...
keeping in touch...
and some other personal goals for this year...
i hope everyone has had a pleasant start to their 2013...


Monday, December 03, 2012

it's been forever...

i am crafting away...
& trying like heck to get holiday gifts ready.
i can't take pictures...
well, i can...but i can't post them.
it would be just my luck 
that the people i'm making them for 
would see them
& then pffft...no surprise.

have some pictures of some recent happenings...



Monday, November 19, 2012

magic tree

i bought munki a wee magic tree.
i LOVED these things as a kid.
as it so happens, munki loved it too.

we took pictures every hour
and decided on a collage to show all of the pix...

❆❅❄ ☃ ❄❅❆

in other news...
can't help it...we're starting to gear up for the holidays...
as in christmas!
when living at home...we always waited until after my dad's birthday
(which is december 1st) to decorate.
as soon as i moved out...the day after thanksgiving became fair game for decorating.
we have not decorated it...but we brought the tree in the house yesterday.
they're not plugged in yet...but we hung christmas lights.
(& i'm giddy because matt just bought me old school C9s!!!)
it was 58 degrees yesterday, so we took advantage of that.
last year, we waited to hang lights & about died in 20 degree weather.
now, we're all prepared and the exposure to the cold should be limited.
and my frankenneck will love me for that.
because my frankenneck hates winter and cold.

another reason for holiday excitement 
is that my parents will be here for christmas!
i cannot even begin to explain how much this elates me.
the only thing that could make it more perfect...
would be if my brother and my nephew & niece could be here as well.

and now i'm off...
have some goodies to bake for munki's school
& i need to get my ingredients together for the pies
i'm taking down to the in-laws' on thursday...

have a fabulous monday!


Friday, November 09, 2012


i feel completely out of touch with everyone...
and for that, i apologize.
things have just seemed completely non stop since school started.
the three of us tossed around sicknesses for a bit...
and just when we thought it was all gone, it sort of came around again.
that was about 6 weeks of icky.
and then last weekend, we moved munki's bedroom downstairs.
didn't sound like too big of a deal...
it ended up taking all weekend...
and then we had no computer for a few days
until yesterday, when matt & i ran cables and cords from the basement
up into the attic room (where the office/studio now is.)
so...now we do have a running computer...
& i finally unpacked all of my office stuff...
(which kind of took all week)
and now today, munki has the day off from school...
and i still have a gazillion things to do...now with munki in tow.
it's not bad...honestly.
it's just non stop busy.
people often wonder why munki is an only child...
i often wonder how people handle more than one child.
she's not even really an issue...
she doesn't play sports...
she only does 4H...which is only in the summer...
but i feel like i am constantly on the move.
i think it's mostly the animals.
they're just furry children.
one of them is always into something
or complaining/whining to go out or come in
(that's just the dogs)
unless you count the chickens, who raise quite a ruckus
if i don't let them out of their coop right away in the morning.
thank goodness i'm not big on sleep.
(or sleeping in at least)
someone is always needing their nails trimmed
(cats, dogs, bunny)
someone is eating something they shouldn't
(that's ALL of the cats & both dogs)
there is always something...trust me.
i think that having all of these animals is like having a lot of kids.
thankfully munki listens (most of the time)...
that doesn't happen too much with the fuzzy kids.

we're all alive and well...just on the go.
