Wednesday, May 30, 2012

a new (blog) start

what better way to start off than with pictures of the 3 most recent additions to our tiny flock.
(which means i'll need to eventually update regarding our previous 3)
meet ethel, etta & winifred.
they're ameraucana crosses aka easter eggers.
these ladies will be laying some fancy colored eggs...hence the name easter eggers.
so excited to get eggs from these girls.

this new place is simply a place away from the bunny monsterz blog...away from pinterest...
away from etsy...away from facebook...and all of the other many places i have been found
via the internet. this is for me. where i can talk about munki and matt and our lives and not feel
funny about doing so. chances are, if you're reading this, that i've given you the link...
so, welcome.



  1. Replies
    1. aaaw...thanks for being the first lovely person
      to comment on my shiny new blog...xox <3

    2. :D You've also inspired me to get my blogspot page in order. Who knows if i'll ever use it but it's nice to do some spring cleaning just in case.
      Also, I never noticed before but your Ameraucanas have the most beautiful feather patterning! I may have to come and steal some feathers for my wedding reception party hat! ;D

    3. yay!
      as for the ameraucanas...2 of them are very similar in color (ethel & winifred)
      but etta, with her black and gold and orange, definitely stands out. i was going to say i'll send you some...but i noticed you wrote 'may have to come steal some' & i think that's a much better plan =]

  2. Hiya!

    Your easter eggers are lovely!

    Good to have you back, blogging.

    1. thanks, jenn!
      i think i've really missed it...
      & i just got so burnt out on the bunny monsterz demands...
      this will be nice...for me at least =D
