Sunday, July 22, 2012

etta's first egg

look at that cute little thing!
other than a couple of tiny bumps...even the speckled area is completely smooth.
this one is tinier than ethel's eggs and much more of an olive color.
such a great first egg.
this is so exciting. 
i thought etta was at least a few days away from laying...
fred is the last easter egger we're waiting on...
and i think she may take her time.
ruby (who is only 16 weeks old & shouldn't be ready)
is all red and large combed already...
while fred is just enjoying her tiny pea comb with a hint of pink...
should be interesting to see what happens.


we've had a busy few days around here...
this is the first day i even got on the computer since my last blog post.
munki did incredibly well at her 4H judging!
she relaxed after the first couple of minutes.
her robot performed flawlessly & she was giddy!

this pictures makes my heart want to burst with pride.
she was accepted to the state fair, but due to some poor planning
on the part of the new robotics program & the final decision being hers...
she won't be going.
in her words...
"i'm excited i was chosen, but this is my first year
& i think that may be a bit too much, momma...
i think it sounds overwhelming."
oh, my girl.
so...perhaps next year...
though it sounds like she wants to take archery next year...
we'll see what happens between now & then.

have a wonderful rest of your weekend...
