Thursday, November 01, 2012


want to know what's awesome?...
getting a halloween gift!
what, you've never gotten one?
neither had i...until this past weekend.
i know i say it a lot...
but my husband is pretty damn fantastic.
he bought me an r/c zombie as a halloween gift.
it is ridiculous how much i love this zombie.
i've named him jorge.
(as in hor-hay)
i only went with the spanish version 
because i already have a zombie bunny named george.
why george, you ask?
george romero, of course.
♥ ☠ ♥ ☠ ♥

♥ ☠ ♥ ☠ ♥

the down side to jorge?
munki does not like all.
munki LOVES all sorts of monsters & monster movies...
the one thing she cannot tolerate is zombies...they terrify her.
and since jorge is not only a zombie...
but a walking, groaning, moaning zombie...well...
it makes my heart sad.
because while i love all things monster-y...
zombies have been my favorite since i was a kid...
and saw night of the living dead.
i think this is the one thing that she and i don't love together.
(well, except the color pink)

hope y'all had a lovely halloween.


1 comment:

  1. Oh poor Munki, I can only imagine growing up in a zombie loving home while being terrified of the things. Haha.
