Tuesday, August 07, 2012

crazy cat people

...and it's matt's fault.

matt was working and had to stop at the hardware store.
he came back to his van, and saw a kitten underneath the car parked next to him.
he reached down and tried to get him, 
but someone drove by and scared him, he then ran under matt's van.
matt was then able to get him...he scooped him up and called me....
(he did look around the parking lot...drove around the parking lot 
& of course found no one that was looking for this kitten)
...all he says on the phone is, "i'm almost home, could you come out in the driveway?"
suspiciously, i meet him in the driveway.
he hands me a kitten, i'm at a loss for words.
we already have 4 cats.
this little thing is SO skinny, dirty, scabby, has puncture wounds in several places
and is missing the tip of his tail. (this is just a quick initial inspection)
we already have 4 cats.
matt says, "work your magic, i have to get back to work."
we already have 4 cats.
i take the kitten to the basement to check him out more thoroughly.
he has fleas, ear mites and so many wounds that i lose count.
he has two horribly infected toes... 
so infected that it looks like he has no toenail.
we already have 4 cats.
he is purring the entire time that i am poking, prodding, picking & etc.
it melts my heart a little.
he's so darn skinny that his face is actually sunken in...
and you can see and feel almost every tiny little bone in his body.
i decide to run out to get flea stuff, mite stuff, and some more canned kitten food.
thankfully, we had a can left from when mabelle (you know our 4th cat!) was a kitten.
which, by the way, that poor little kitten ate so fast it tore my heart apart.
we already have 4 cats.
after returning home with all the necessary 'clean up a filthy kitten' stuff...
i went back to work on this kitten...
killed all of the fleas...
cleaned so much stuff out of his ears...
(i won't share beyond that, suffice it to say...it was n.a.s.t.y.)
he's still purring
we already have 4 cats.
then i went to work on his toes...poor baby.
something really got a hold of him good.
his toes have actually been bitten through.
so, next on my list, drain kitten toes. yay.
he's still purring by the way.
we already have 4 cats
even through soaking his now drained oversized & purple kitten toes
in peroxide and all that fun stuff.
to me, just another day in the world of loving little defenseless creatures.
he looks up at me and purrs and my heart melts a little more.
we already have 4 cats.
i open up another can of kitten food, scoop a tiny bit into his a bowl.
i sit on the floor of the office (where we have him sequestered) to watch him.
he eats it up a little less greedily this time.
his little kitten belly looks huge after he finishes.
who knows when he last ate anything.
we already have 4 cats.
he crawls in my lap then stands on his hind feet, 
putting his front paws on my chest, i hear him purring.
he stretches up and he licks the tip of my nose...
then promptly curls up in my lap and goes to sleep.

we have 5 cats.

meet fergus.


i haven't even hardly had time to turn the computer on...
let alone catch up here or other places.
munki got some caterpillars for her butterfly pavillion
& we've been watching them, moving the chrysalides into their new home
& we're now waiting for them to turn into butterflies sometime this week.
lots of egg collecting going on...lots of animals period.
we need more land.
oddly enough, matt & i had just said that we were not going to add
any more animals to our menagerie until we decided where we want to be.
and then he has to go and rescue that sweet little kitten.
(who is doing amazing by the way.)

ah, such is the life of people who have huge hearts where animals are concerned.

hope y'all are doing well & having a lovely week...



  1. Dammit woman, this post totally made me cry. I'm supposed to be going out in 10 minutes and now i'm combatting potentially runny mascara and a sniffly nose!

    I absolutely love you and Matt to pieces for saving this little kitty soul.

    Also, you write so wonderfully. I adore reading your blog but this post was extra specially wonderful.


    1. i'm sorry for any possible tears.
      he had me in tears for a couple of days...
      i just felt so darn bad for him.
      you'd never know now the shape he was in 4 weeks ago.

      & thank you, sally...your sweet words made my morning.
