Friday, August 24, 2012

fynche, frank & fergus

off to the fair again this afternoon...
i think this is our last trip...whew!

just wanted to post a few pix i took this week.
i know that some of you don't understand my blythe doll obsession...
but i love very much.
especially my 2 girls.
fynche and frank are just awesome.

& i've included another f word in this post (harhar)
& that would be wee fuzzy fergus.
he really is doing well & growing like a weed.
don't all baby animals do that?
i love his random little orange spots...they're everywhere.
while my head still can't wrap around the fact that we have 5 cats...
i wouldn't change it for anything.

we have a busy weekend planned...
the last weekend before munki starts 4th grade (on august 28th)
4th grade!
so, in case i don't post anything else this weekend, 
have a nice one.



  1. I absolutely adore all three of these photos, they all have different shades of the same colour in them. :D

    Hope you had a great weekend <3

    1. haha...sometimes i really have a fondness for those colors in photographs...not that you could tell ;) xox & we had a lovely weekend, thank you!
