Wednesday, August 22, 2012

fair fair fair

my favorite part of the fair is always the animals...always...
that and the elephant ears or funnel cakes and the cotton candy...
the rides mostly terrify me...
(just fair rides not always amusement park rides)
mainly because they get moved around and around and around...
which means taken apart and put back together...
a lot.
hell, we lose a nut or a bolt or a screw 
every time we take something apart to move...
go ahead and tell me that carnivals don't do the same thing.
well, don't bother telling will do no good...
i'll never believe you.
you have as much chance of convincing me of that 
as you have of convincing me 
that some serial killer isn't hiding underneath
the make up of damn near every clown.
(and if it's not a serial's some demented individual)
speaking of which...yes, there is a clown at the fair...
no, i didn't see him...
matt & munki steered me all around him...bless them.

munki & i will be back at the fair tomorrow and friday for more 4H stuff...

munki starts school next week (the 28th)...

and fergus is almost big enough to be let out of his bedroom 
on a full time basis...

i won't know what to do.

hope everything is loverly in your part of the world...


p.s. we did let munki take one ride on the ferris wheel...
it was relatively small...
and yes, matt & i both thought...
we can rescue her easily enough if something goes wrong...
see, i was serious.


  1. Funny, Dan and I were just discussing the evilness of clowns last night. I decided I'm gonna dress up as a clown for Halloween. :D

    Oh, I have the same fear of fair rides, too.

    1. oh, sally...clowns are skeeeeery. i shall like to see what you cook up for halloween, but i'm sure i'll be wincing and peeking through fingers over my eyes...

      & yes! fair rides are things to be fearful of...
