Friday, August 31, 2012


whilst looking through photos the other day, 
i realized i didn't have any really recent pix of the girls.
especially not since they all got red combs & wattles.
well, the easter eggers don't have wattles, they have beards!

top row is henry...maggie...ruby
the middle pic is the first semi decent picture
where i managed to actually catch all of them in frame.
bottom row is ethel...etta...fred.

fred still has a tiny comb which isn't very red...
but she lays awesome eggs.
my EEs have been faithful layers since they started.
(one pale-ish blue pale minty to sage green & one dark olive)
i'd always heard that they were rather unpredictable.
& our EEs started laying early (i'd heard they tend to be procrastinators)

our 2 reds & our barred rock (ruby, henry & maggie) however...
haven't laid one egg between 'em.
& they're generally the early layers...
(according to my chicken knowledgeable friends & forums)
so, who knows.
if all of that is just fits right in with the rest of our animals 
that have weird traits and behaviors.
there's a surprise. (smell that sarcasm?)

have a lovely weekend...


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