Wednesday, June 27, 2012

again with the busy...

it's been crazy around here.
good crazy, but crazy nonetheless.
i can't promise posts over the next few days either...
my parents are arriving sometime tonight & i won't have time for the computer.
however, if our weather stays this hot and/or gets as hot as they're saying...
we may not be doing much of anything outside.
as much as i love my new little blog...
i don't want to be forced to stay inside to write on the computer.
i may be running through the sprinkler with munki.

so...i hope you have a wonderful rest of your week
& a great weekend.
i know we will!!!

& here...have a picture of the teeniest tiniest mantis i've ever seen.
he loves my flowers. he is all of about 3/4 of an inch long.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

busy busy busy

thursday we drove down to visit matt's parents.
we avoided the highway, so the drive was beautiful...

we ended up bringing home several things we had stored in their barn
& more stuff that they were unpacking & sorting from their parents & grandparents.

friday morning was munki's 4H meeting...
the kids launched one of their rockets...

it was a successful launch & it was awesome!
i have filled in as a 4H advisor a couple of times now due to someone being hurt or gone...
(once as cake decorating advisor & once as photography advisor)
friday, i was asked if i would please become an official advisor for next year.
& i think i just may do so.
it's a great bunch of kids from 3rd grade to seniors in high school.
& i'm always up for learning and sharing some of the things i actually know about.

as far as things at home...
matt installed the chicken nesting boxes yesterday!
which he made (have i mentioned lately how awesome my husband is?)
the back yard raised bed is doing well, thus far.
we have several pumpkin vines growing...
our chives, jalapeƱos, tomatoes & cilantro, while still small, are also doing well.
we just did a few things for this year, but we have 3 more beds planned for next year!

have a stellar saturday...i'm off to do chores.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012


this is henrietta...
though we've pretty much only called her henry since she was a few days old.
she was the first chick to get a name.
from the time she was about 2 weeks old, she was always the first to come see me.
as she gets older, she's still the first one to get on my shoulder or in my lap.
she loves to be held and she's definitely the gentler of our 2 reds.
she has this little cooing song she sings whenever i come near her.
i've been told it's kind of a chicken's version of purring.
that makes me grin, so if it means something else, i don't want to know.
she ranks either 2 or 3 in the pecking order 
and i think it's only because she was here before our 3 easter eggers...
and they're just all very passive.
we have an awesome little flock of chickens and i adore them.
a friend of mine has labeled them the brady brunch.
see what she did there? she's funny.

so there they are...all 6 chickens.
don't think you're completely off the hook...i'm sure i'll still talk about them...
but that wraps up the introductions.

have a wonderful wednesday!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


this is winifred.
i started calling her fred and then laughed because of fred & ethel...
(that either makes me old or cool depending on who you talk to)
then i started calling her winnie, which munki loves.
so...we're still back & forth on her nickname.
whatever we call her, she's hilarious.
she hangs out right in the middle of the pecking order.
which i think is where i'd want to be, if i were a chicken.
she's like a ninja.
she doesn't challenge maggie & she doesn't pick on ethel.
(the top & the bottom of the pecking order, just in case you haven't kept up)
so, when others challenge maggie...she swoops in and gets treats 
then leaves with the booty before anyone else even notices.
she doesn't pick on ethel & rarely gets picked on.
that, my friends, is where you want to be in chicken land.
she's very curious...
and comical...
& though i shouldn't post 2 pictures of her
(out of fairness to the other girls)
i have to because you NEED to see this picture.
it completely explains the bearded lady thing.

so...if you were having a crappy tuesday...
now you can't...because that right there is funny.

have a splendid tuesday!


Monday, June 18, 2012


i had every intention of making a father's day post
& then the weekend got away from me.
saturday had me moving seedlings into a raised bed that matt made for me.
(he's awesome like that)
then sunday morning, after talking to my wonderful dad on the phone,
we took off and spent a couple of hours walking through wapakoneta.
what the heck is wapakoneta, you ask?
well, neil armstrong was born's called moon city
& with a population of less than 10,000, it's an adorable little place.
there are several antique and thrift stores, which we LOVE.
the coolest part about it was matt's idea.
so he spent his father's day just how he wanted to. ♥

if you're reading this on the day i'm writing it...
(depending on how many more pix i take in the meantime)
you can look over in the right hand picture column --->
& see a few pix i took via instagram
while we were walking around.
it was an awesome day.

tomorrow i will resume the chicken posting.
only 2 more girls to go
& then you'll again be subjected to my random babbling.

have a great monday!
it's the beginning of a brand new week, do something amazing!


Friday, June 15, 2012


this is ruby.
not very original, but she was named so because she's red...
and her name fit with our old lady-ish chicken naming theme.
poor ruby was in & out of the rooster box for awhile.
there are days when i still fear i'll wake up and find her 
with a huge comb and hear a cockledoodledoo.
she's been one of the most outgoing since she was a chick.
she'll sit with you and coo and make all sorts of cute noises.
she's very nosy and is always looking at my camera with one eye, 
or jumping up and pecking at the lens.
(those are not such great pictures =])

have a fabulous friday!


Thursday, June 14, 2012


this is ethel.
ethel is one of our three easter eggers.
she's 15 weeks old.
she makes the sweetest cooing noises.
she's the most shy of everyone & will most likely be at the bottom of the pecking order.
she's just starting to take treats from my hand...
she may never be a lap chicken, but she's coming around.
ethel has beautiful colors.
i have not yet been able to capture them properly on my camera.
her lavender/blue/grey color reminds me of when my grammie would get her hair done.
my grammie's name was ethel.
i think she would have found it incredibly hilarious that i named a chicken after her.
my grammie would never have been at the bottom of any pecking order...
so, ethel the chicken may not stay at the bottom if she's anything like her namesake.

have a wonderful thursday!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012


after posting a 'just etta' post...i felt the need to include everyone else.
(i think i'll write about one chicken each day)
so...this is maggie.
maggie is a barred plymouth rock.
she's almost 11 weeks old.
maggie is the boss. 
and if you question it, (& you're a chicken) she'll let you know.
she's pretty sweet...if you're not feathered.
she was almost solid black as a baby and for some reason,
she reminded me of a magpie. so we named her maggie.
and oddly enough, she LOVES shiny things...
particularly my wedding band.
i took almost 50 pictures of maggie yesterday 
and finally got one that wasn't blurry.
she is in constant motion.
it's hard work being the boss of everyone, apparently.

have a lovely wednesday!


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

miss etta

i am posting this photo mostly for my friend, sally.
for the rest of you...
this is etta. 
(named after the one & only etta james)
she's an ameraucana cross or an easter egger.
she is 15 weeks old today.
sometimes, i'm a wee bit sad that we didn't have the 3 easter eggers
from the time they were day olds...
but i'm awfully happy that we have them now.
etta's super sweet, a bit shy and incredibly gorgeous.
i can't wait to see the color of her eggs.

have a great tuesday!


Monday, June 11, 2012

pierre lapin

last year we had several bunnies running around our yard...
this year, we have several bunnies and several baby bunnies!
this one in particular doesn't seem quite as shy the others. 
look at that baby bunny face! i bet he's so soft.
& i named him, yes i did.


Sunday, June 10, 2012

the girls

i am so very smitten with these feathered girls.
our easter eggers turned 14 weeks old last tuesday...
our original girls turned 10 weeks old yesterday.

top row is etta & then a group shot with everyone
middle row is ruby, maggie & henry
bottom row is ethel & winifred

i always knew i wanted chickens & i always knew i'd enjoy them...
i had absolutely no idea how much i would love & adore them.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

fynche & frank

i can't help it...i adore them.
munki helped edit this picture & i was incredibly proud of her.
i am just making a quick post today since matt has today off 
and we have toy shelves to make!

have a wonderful day.


Wednesday, June 06, 2012

a morning at the park

gorgeous day + munki + our cameras = a great start to our wednesday...

cutest munki ever.

munki took this picture and insisted that i share it, so here it is =]

fountain at faurot park.

fynche & frank enjoyed the park too.

munki took several pictures of herself & her dolls with her camera too...
those will be up on her flickr later today at some point.
hope you are having a nice wednesday, wherever you are ♥


Tuesday, June 05, 2012

the tiny book of tiny stories

 by joseph gordon-levitt.

this tiny book makes me giggle.
i actually bought it for matt for christmas last year.
some of the illustrations and little stories just kill me.

i love books.
matt loves books.
& thankfully, munki loves books too.
reading is her favorite thing to do & i love that too!


Monday, June 04, 2012

sprinklers & chickens

sprinklers have never been so awesome.
watching munki run through them is such a treat.
sometimes she seems like she's growing up way too fast. she runs through the sprinkler, she can't hide her joy.
as a of the greatest gifts in this life
is watching my child enjoy every bit of a simple pleasure
as if it were the most wonderful thing on the face of the planet.
i am so very thankful for the joy she brings into my every day.

and this is henry.
she is very annoyed when i am on the opposite side of the fence...
mostly because she can't get in my lap from there.
the OC (original chickens...haha!) maggie, henry & ruby turned 9 weeks old on saturday.
the three easter eggers will be 14 weeks old on tuesday.
eggs may possibly be in our future as early as the end of july.


Friday, June 01, 2012


3rd grade crushes?
i think the smiles say it all.
(the smiles and munki being the only person allowed to sign the front of dylan's shirt)

as munki walked away from her last day of school...
dylan said, "i am really gonna miss you over the summer...miss you the most."
munki (with red cheeks and eyes to the ground) said, "me too."


happy first day of june.

we spent munki's first day of no school at an early morning 4H meeting.
so much for sleeping in.
