Wednesday, June 13, 2012


after posting a 'just etta' post...i felt the need to include everyone else.
(i think i'll write about one chicken each day)
so...this is maggie.
maggie is a barred plymouth rock.
she's almost 11 weeks old.
maggie is the boss. 
and if you question it, (& you're a chicken) she'll let you know.
she's pretty sweet...if you're not feathered.
she was almost solid black as a baby and for some reason,
she reminded me of a magpie. so we named her maggie.
and oddly enough, she LOVES shiny things...
particularly my wedding band.
i took almost 50 pictures of maggie yesterday 
and finally got one that wasn't blurry.
she is in constant motion.
it's hard work being the boss of everyone, apparently.

have a lovely wednesday!



  1. She will lay the most amazing big eggs. The barred rock we took from my Grandma when my Grandad died was the sweetest thing, so friendly. She was more of a pet than any of the other chickens, but she was already a very old lady when we inherited her.

    1. maggie is funny. as soon as we took gretel/hansel out of the mix...she swooped right into lead role. initially i wanted all barred rocks, i really love them. but i am super happy with how things worked out, even if we had to rehome 3 of our originals.
