Tuesday, June 05, 2012

the tiny book of tiny stories

 by joseph gordon-levitt.

this tiny book makes me giggle.
i actually bought it for matt for christmas last year.
some of the illustrations and little stories just kill me.

i love books.
matt loves books.
& thankfully, munki loves books too.
reading is her favorite thing to do & i love that too!



  1. Oh it looks and sounds adorable! I'm gonna have to add this to my wishlist, hehe. :D

  2. my first knowledge of this book was because of a small joseph gordon-levitt crush i have...

    go here... http://www.hitrecord.org/records/578843
    and submit a tiny story for book 2! <3
    that volume will be released in november of this year.

  3. This book is amazing - so glad you shared it!! xoxo m
